Apply to join the GCCL with a GCCL Fellowship
The German Centre for Cosmological Lensing (GCCL) welcomes applications for its postdoctoral fellowship programme. We anticipate hiring up to 2 fellows with appointments of up to 4 years. In addition to the main centre at the Ruhr-University Bochum, the GCCL includes nodes at Bonn, Heidelberg, Garching and Munich.
We are seeking applicants with expertise in some of the varied and important skill sets required for the future cosmological lensing analysis of LSST and Euclid. These skills include image processing, image simulation, photometry, shear and redshift estimation, mock catalogue production, statistical data analysis, cosmological parameter inference and theoretical modelling of weak lensing observables. Senior fellows will have the freedom to fully direct their own research interests within the supportive environment of the GCCL. There will be the opportunity for fellows to join the KiDS Consortium, the Euclid Consortium and/or the LSST Dark Energy Science Consortium.
The GCCL is committed to advancing equality and diversity, welcoming applications from everyone irrespective of gender, ethnic group or nationality. We aim to ensure that our culture and systems support flexible and family-friendly working. Most importantly we believe that having fun should be a key aspect of our work. The GCCL fellowships will nominally start in autumn 2022 with earlier/later start dates possible and welcomed.
Informal enquiries may be made to the Directors of the GCCL, Catherine Heymans (heymans@astro.rub.de) and Hendrik Hildebrandt (hendrik@astro.rub.de).
Candidates should submit a CV and research proposal of up to three pages to goeldner@astro.rub.de before Nov 27th 2021 as a single pdf-file. Letters of recommendation from three referees should be sent to the same e-address before the closing date. The first round of video-interviews will be scheduled in December 2021.